About Our Organziation
Initially established as a committee of the Economic Development Council in 2009, in 2018 a group of local residents came together to form an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Benton City Revitalization Organization is a 100% volunteer organization driven by the board of directors and funded solely by member dues, donations, and grants to honor our history while engaging in progress for the betterment and revitalization of the community of Benton City, WA. The Benton City Revitalization Organization employs no staff and has no endowment.
Building Connection & Bridging community. Benton City’s character is enhanced by an inviting environment, vibrant and prosperous downtown area, active outdoor recreation and seasonal activities with close proximity to the Red Mountain American Viticulture Area. The BCRO, led by a passionate and committed board, provides an opportunity for people who care about Benton City go be involved, creating a stronger sense of community and helping achieve our vision.
We preserve and create a connected community leveraging collaborative partnerships locally and throughout the Region.
The Benton City Revitalization Organization seeks the betterment of Benton City, Washington, including the beautification of the historic downtown and the betterment and revitalization of the community as a whole.